Beaux Gris Gris & The Apocalypse Interview

Folk & Tumble catches up with Greta Valenti from Beaux Gris Gris & The Apocalypse as the band prepares to embark on a U.K wide tour.

Beaux Gris Gris & The Apocalypse are one of the hardest working bands around at the minute and their electric mix of Blues and Rock sets audiences alive wherever they play. Ahead of their U.K tour which starts this month we catch up with frontwoman and founding member of the band, Greta Valenti to discuss touring, making videos and the rigours of the music industry.

FT:  You guys are one of the hardest working touring bands around at the moment.  When did you find the time to write and record the new album?

GV:  Thank you for noticing! Haha We had to do may things at or in reverse order and we often make albums when everyone is available which is usually around the Christmas holiday season. So we recorded 14 songs in 9 days from like Dec 27-Jan 6 or something like that. We had the album art already being created before the album was recorded etc because we knew we had to get the record out before the big UK tour in April.

FT:  What are the inspirations behind the songs on ‘Hot Nostalgia Radio’?

GV:  Everything! The album itself is an ode to classic songs throughout the eras of popular music and all the music that inspires me. Classic songs, classic song writing and rock and roll. We wanted it to feel like you were dialling through radios stations and hearing your favourite song on every channel. Plus the album itself takes you on a musical, and hopefully emotional journey. I spent a lot of time on the order and how the songs would  emotionally transition.

FT:  You are back touring the U.K. in July.  As a duo you both take active roles in the running and managing of all the aspects involved in the band within the music industry.  What are the logistics involved in putting together a tour and managing costs and transport etc, and how important is it that people buy concert tickets?

GV:  There’s SO much! We now have some help on booking for some regions, but we still have to book everywhere else, manage the band members, tour logistics, booking flights, hotels, travel routes, doing all of the music videos, and marketing, the accounting, paying the team, etc. Currently I, Greta. Do most of the work and do it as a full to part time job and I get paid nothing. We pay our band and crew. We (myself and Robin) front all of the costs for every tour. We usually have to put $10k-$30k from out of pocket for a tour and HOPE we can sell enough tickets to break even or maybe someday soon, make money.  We HAVE to sell tickets, in advance, or we will Lose thousands of dollars, not get invited back to venues, or even have shows cancelled. It’s hard because we know we are all struggling with money these days, but if people can afford a $16/18 ticket, it’s critical to our success as band. Otherwise it will be impossible to continue. It’s the ONLY thing that matters. And then people buying merch and bringing friends supporting us that way. So please buy tickets to our shows this week and next!

FT:  You’ve just released ‘Wild Wild Woman’ as a single.  The video looks great.  How much fun was that to make?

GV:  SO much fun! I got to literally live out my stuntwoman fantasies. I’m so grateful to Jason at Action Factory and his team. They were amazing. I feel very very fortunate to have been able to do that.

FT:  You’ve worked with some very talented musicians both in the studio and on the road over the years.  Who worked on the album and who will be touring with you this year?

GV:  The album was myself (Greta Valenti aka Beaux Gris Gris) and Robin Davey (of course) plus long time band member Stephen Mildwater on bass, Tom Rasulo on Drums and engineering the album and Chris Cunningham on bass and assistant engineer , plus Sam Robertson on keys/accordion. There’s a full listing on the bandcamp and in the liner notes but so many great people came together. The final cherry on top was having Chris Sheldon mix the album. He really got what we were doing and brought it all together at the last minute. It’s was magical.

FT:  You are also planning for European shows in October, where, on a personal level I’m looking forward to seeing your Leiden show in The Netherlands.

GV:  OMG Yay! We get to meet?! Yes we have 3 weeks of shows in Netherlands, Belgium, and for the first time in Switzerland and Germany!!! We are very excited.

FT:  What do you like most about touring and what do you dislike?

GV:  The best things about touring are the 3 hour live performances we get to do with various musicians and talented people and creating something new and special every night. And my other favourite thing about touring is the people. Making friends all over the world and seeing them in various places around the world. We have some fans that will do entire tours with us. It’s like vacationing with your friends round the world.  So having them there and doing these shows every night is what I’m alive for.

FT:  Outside of the band how do you guys unwind?

GV:  What is this  “unwind” you speak about? We haven’t had a vacation since our honeymoon in 2013…I’m not sure. Life is hard and we have to work a lot. I hope we get to go on a vacation soon. I really want to go to Japan and to Thailand, and Spain, and Italy, and France…and Mexico again…and so many places! I just hope they book us for shows.

FT:  Thanks for you time and best of luck with the album and tour.

GV:  Thank you so much!! See you soon! Xo Greta