Interview with Mike Ross

Guitarist Mike Ross talks to F&T about his new/last solo album 'Electric Smoke' and a big change in his musical journey.

Ahead of the release of his final album as a solo performer, we catch up with guitarist Mike Ross to discuss the album, recording process and French aviators.

FT:  You’ve a new album on the way.  This is one is special as it’s your last release as a solo performer.  What’s behind that decision?

 MR:  Yes I do.  It’s special in that I have no further plans to record or tour under the ‘Mike Ross Band’ monicker after the end of 2024.  I’ve been putting my whole heart, mind, body & soul into the project non-stop since 2015 and I need a break.  I want to try some different things out, focus my energy and attention someplace else for a while.

FT:  Where did the title. ‘Electric Smoke’ come from?

MR:  French renaissance aviation pioneers the Montgolfier brothers – a phrase they used to describe what they thought was a gas produced by fire that lifted objects.  They were a bit off the mark with that one but they still managed to be the first people to build a hot air balloon (with a little help from King Louis XVI!).  Crazy brothers who dreamed of flying…and their dream came true!

FT:  Is there a particular theme to the album?

MR:  The individual song themes vary a bit but there’s an overarching vibe of weariness which comes from my state of mind vis a vis the state of the world right now.   This album is a goodbye to the version of me that set off on this mad uncontrollable balloon ride 9 years ago.  The last song on the record, ‘My Friend’, has a reprise with the lyrics ‘all my dreams and all my hopes burned up in electric smoke’ and that kind says it all really

FT:  Who recorded the album with you?

MR:  Just my long time musical compadres Darren Lee who played drums and Al Scott who mixed it.  I played everything else – guitar, bass, organ & piano, synth, percussion, vocals etc.

The only other human featured in the music is Lindsey Bonnick (from Brave Rival) who sings the duet ‘Come Away with Me’.

FT:  It was funded by fans of your music.  How important is it to a working musician like yourself that this source of funding is available?

MR:  Those super kind and generous fans of mine who pre-ordered vinyl packages as well as other rewards in the Crowdfunder have been invaluable at enabling my artistic endeavours to be transformed into real-world artifacts.  I wouldn’t have been able to do it any other way.

FT: The initial release is a limited-edition double vinyl.  Will you at some point release it on CD or streaming services?

MR:  It’s available to pre-order on vinyl or digital now and will be shipping/delivering by mid December. The digital version will only be available to buy until 31st December.  It won’t be released on streaming services or on CD in this double set format, no, other than maybe a digital only single or two.

FT:  Will there be any copies left for anyone who missed out on the pre-orders and how can they get them? 

MR:  There are a couple of dozen double vinyl sets left and they can be ordered from online from my webshop.

FT:  Will there be a launch gig?

MR:  Not this time, no. I’m touring in . through Nov 24 and then that’ll be about it from the MRB for the forseeable.

FT:  Thanks for your time ad good luck with the album.

MR:  Thanks Gerry.  Thanks for listening to and writing about my music. Goodbye for now!