Lockdown – Sean Taylor

Sean Taylor's latest record, 'Lockdown', makes no apologies for it's politics, hard-hitting message and top-level musicianship. Get it now.


Sean Taylor

  • Folk
  • Roots
  • Blues

  1. Herd Immunity Part 1
  2. The March Is On
  3. No Borders
  4. Moonlight Sonata
  5. Black Lives Matter
  6. Palestine
  7. Fur Elise
  8. Herd Immunity Part 2
  9. Lockdown
  10. Free To Do

Well the clue is in the title. Its all about Lockdown. What else is there to talk, sing or play music about? Sean Taylor a jobbing bluesman come singer-songwriter has been suffering just like everyone else. He normally makes his living travelling the length and breadth of these islands and Europe singing and playing a full schedule of shows. A decent life he seemed to have carved out for himself and he has honed his playing and writing skills to a very nice level.

Then somewhere around a year ago, it all came to a grinding halt. Sean, like all his fellow musicians, has been off the road for the longest time he has known. He has responded by:

Waking up early every day and working on this album.

The result is an in your face, political powerful statement. Seven of the ten tracks are described as political, spoken word. Let’s just say that it’s unlikely that Sean will be booked to play any Wetherspoons Pubs nor tour Israel any time soon, not that I suspect that will worry him. He’d probably regard it as a badge of honour. Rather we are in the field of, ‘Herd Immunity’, ‘The March Is On’,‘ Black Lives Matter’ and ‘Free To Do’.

There are no apologies sought had the views expressed nor compromises to any listeners sensitivities.  Fair enough, it’s Sean’s work he can say what he likes, it’s a free country is it not?

While you debate that can I just note that what saves this from turning into a polemic is the standard of the music and the delivery of the message?

Two of the tracks feature almost bizarrely playing classical piano, ‘Fur Elise’ and ‘Moonlight Sonata’ no less. Naturally, he weaves this into his main theme but it’s a brave juxtaposition. I really like the playing and production on this work, lovely multi-instrumental stuff from producer Mark Hallman.

They are worse ways to while away an hour at the moment than listening to Sean’s views on the world.  Check it out.

‘Lockdown’ is exclusively available via seantaylorsongs.com.