The Ghost Light – Bob Bradshaw

'The Ghost Light' is the latest release from Bob Bradshaw. An album packed with story and character, it's much more than a lamp left burning in the darkness.

The Ghost Light

Bob Bradshaw

  • Americana
  • Folk
  • Blues

  1. Songs On The Radio
  2. Dream
  3. Gone
  4. Blue
  5. Come Back Baby
  6. She’s Gone For Good
  7. 21st Century Blues
  8. Sideways
  9. Light Of The Moon
  10. In The Dark
  11. Niagara Barrel Ride Blues

Irishman Bob Bradshaw may hail from County Cork, but his music and songs are a magical mix of country, Americana and blues that transport the listener across the landscapes of the U.S.A. His latest release ‘The Ghost Light’ is no exception.

Bradshaw’s ability to tell a story finds roots in his early career as an apprentice journalist in his native Ireland.  When his restless spirit got the better of him, he decamped to Europe with nothing more than a guitar and lust for travel. Eventually, he ended up in America, where amongst other jobs, he worked briefly as a doorman for Liza Minnelli. Continually moving, much like a character in his songs, he eventually made his way to San Francisco before finally settling in Boston. There, he is a frequent participant in the local music scene.

With clubs and theatres forced to close in 2020, Bradshaw came up with the name of the album in tribute to the practice of a single light being left on in a darkened theatre. Moreover, in many ways, ‘The Ghost Light’ with its vivid characters and situations comes across as a series of mini plays full of vivid-realised characters.

‘Songs On The Radio’ takes the listener on a melodic laid-back road trip with good company, great music and the top down. The blues shuffle of ‘Gone’ underpins a darker tale of doubt and lust at the wrong at the wrong time.

Failed relationships, loss and regret form the basis of ‘Come Back Baby’ and ‘She’s Gone For Good’ as Bradshaw explores a range of emotions associated with failed social interactions. Moving effortlessly into country rock, the searching ‘In The Dark’ features a dramatic beat and searing slide guitar, while ‘21st Century Blues’ takes a sarcastic swipe at the content of contemporary news.

Stand out tracks include ‘Light Of The Moon’, an epic folk-rock tale of sea sirens and tragedy on the ocean, and ‘Niagara Barrel Ride Blues’, a personal favourite – the resonator, slide-soaked, solo blues masterpiece that transfixes the listener in the mind of the daring daredevil cocooned in his barrel as he propels himself over the landmark water falls.

An album that is full of classic and engaging story telling, ‘The Ghost Light’ proves that Bradshaw is an artist who deserves to be at the forefront of modern day Americana.