
Folk and Tumble competitions offer our readers chances to win tickets, albums, merchandise and other prizes. All you have to do is answer a simple question.

Win tickets to see The Coronas in Belfast


15th December 2015

Win two tickets to see critically acclaimed Irish rock band The Coronas in The Ulster Hall, Belfast on 20th December 2015. Closing date is this Friday.

Win tickets to see Steve Earle in Belfast


19th October 2015

Win two tickets to see legendary musician and songwriter Steve Earle in The Limelight, Belfast on 23rd October 2015. The closing date is Wednesday 21st October.

Win tickets to see Declan Sinnott in Belfast


1st October 2015

Win two tickets to see legendary musician and songwriter Declan Sinnott in The Black Box, Belfast on 7th October 2015. The closing date is Monday 5th October.