He’s a singer, he’s a songwriter, he’s a comic book artist. Let’s face it Jeffrey Lewis could probably turn his hand to most creative pursuits and get away with it in damn fine style.
An instant hit with fans, the ‘Fuff’ (formerly Guff) series of comics fly off the shelves on release. Issues 1-4 have been out of print for a long time but hey, what’s that noise? That’s the sound of Jeffrey Lewis’ floorboards creaking under the weight of a new run of all four issues. That means for the first time you can get your hands on all six issues at the same time. You’ll be able to pick them up at specialist comic book stores around the UK and US or buy them directly from the artist.
In non-comic related news Jeffrey Lewis and the Peter Stampfel Band are returning with some NYC shows and a UK tour in 2013. And if that’s not enough excitement for one post, then here’s one last thing. Jeffrey Lewis and the Junkyard have just done a session over at Daytrotter and as always it’s well worth a listen.