By Damian McNairney
26th May 2021
'Songs From The Back Room' is a strong solo debut from musician, singer, songwriter, and founding member of The Woolgatherers Phil Hooley.
20th May 2021
Fat Pop (Vol. 1) is Paul Weller's melody-laden homage to the glory days of the 7-inch pop single, an art form familiar to the Modfather.
By Gerry McNally
Bluesman Alex Lopez's 'Rising Up' is a versatile new record mixing blues, jazz, swing, and soul, with results that deserve repeated plays.
14th May 2021
'The Ghost Light' is the latest release from Bob Bradshaw. An album packed with story and character, it's much more than a lamp left burning in the darkness.
By John McCart
6th May 2021
'100 Snow White Horses' is the latest offering from prolific Irish songwriter John Spillane. It draws on the stories and mythology of his homeland.
27th April 2021
Gillian Welch and David Rawlings return with a covers record, 'All the Good Times', drawing on traditional works and those of Dylan, Prine, and more.
By Julie Williams-Nash
26th April 2021
Neilson Hubbard's 'Digging Up The Scars' is a reflective passing down of wisdom from one of Nashville's great artists, songwriters, and producers.
22nd April 2021
Gerry Beckley is famed as the voice and founder of America. On 'Keeping The Light On', we delve deep into the artist's solo works over the years.
'Arrivals' is the latest record from Declan O'Rourke and it takes us on a journey from the grit of modern-day life to the tranquil shores of Ireland.