Vanessa Forero injects the sounds of home to her indie-folk.
In a world of staid singer-songwriters, Vanessa Forero is a breath of fresh air. A breath of fresh Colombian mountain air if you will. The passion and sounds of her native land never lurks too far under the surface of her songs. Sure there are nuances of the likes of Joan Baez, or maybe a little KT Tunstall or Bright Eyes if you’re younger but the strings, drum skins and upbeat tempos are all beautifully shaped by her South American heritage.
Beth Orton was quick to spot Vanessa’s talent, having her write and perform on her last tour and after that Forero was keen to get on stage and get more girls involved in the music industry. When she’s not rockin’ out her latest single ‘Same Boat’, from her debut EP ‘From The Uproar’, you can find Vanessa Forero composing scores for TV and film or co-writing books with her mum, who was raised by monkeys
in the South American jungle!